Deltalinqs was established in 2001 to represent the interests of about 700 companies or over 95% of all logistic, ports, and industrial enterprises from 14 different sectors in the Port of Rotterdam. Deltalinqs strives to strengthen Rotterdam’s competitiveness, sustainable growth, and social and political acceptability for all activities within the port and industrial area. Expertise is shared via knowledge networking groups. The association also develops port-wide initiatives, such as the Digital Safety Passport and the Deltalinqs Training Window. As a lobbying entity, Deltalinqs promotes the interests of its members at many institutions, both locally and, nationally, and in European circles.
Alfaport Voka is the platform of and for companies and professional associations from the Port of Antwerp within Voka (Chamber of Commerce Antwerp–Waasland). It is the umbrella association of five professional associations in the Port of Antwerp: ABAS (stevedoring companies), ASF (Antwerp Shipping Federation; shipping agencies), Forward Belgium (freight forwarders), RBSA (Royal Belgian Shipowners Association), and KVBG (goods handlers). Unlike Deltalinqs, industrial firms in the port are not represented in Antwerp’s umbrella association. The large chemical and petrochemical companies in the port are members of Essenscia, the Belgian sector federation of the chemical industry and life sciences. Alfaport Voka strives for an accessible, facilitative, cost-competitive, and sustainable Port of Antwerp with a view to a sustainable anchoring of employment and added value in the port.
Next to providing advice and opinions on operational issues and promoting cooperation and exchanges between firms, both umbrella associations also lobby at the national and European policy levels.