Source: adapted from ICO and Port of Zeebrugge websites.
The port of Zeebrugge is Europe’s largest port for handling new cars. In 2019, some 3 million cars were handled at several terminals in the inner port area. The Bastenaken terminal is one of the largest and most modern facilities. The terminal is operated by ICO (International Car Operators). In 2019, the port added 54 ha to allow an annual volume of around 350,000 units. Construction of a 1,071-metre quay wall in the southern canal dock to extend the terminal and the necessary dredging works is ongoing.
The terminal has invested in a battery charging area with sufficient capacity to simultaneously provide 308 battery chargers of 11 KWH each and two superchargers of 135 KWH each. Since February 2019, 304 cars can be loaded at a normal charging speed at the same time and four cars at a speed of 100% in 75 minutes. On an annual basis, about one million cars be charged at the terminal. The chargers are equipped with intelligent software and (mobile) communication to control and record used power, which can be done remotely. The system is also being linked to the terminal’s TOS system.
The terminal is also investing in energy transition. The terminal has become the location for a large onshore wind farm with a total capacity of 44 MW of locally produced green energy from 11 wind turbines. The power is used by the local community, ICO, and moored ships. The installation represented an investment of 55 million euros by ICO Windpark (ICO 37,5%, ENGIE 37.5%, and port of Zeebrugge 25%).
The terminal has made other investments in green terminal operations: solar panels to power the vehicle processing centres, heat pumps for temperature control in the buildings, a water recuperation system which allows to wash 500 cars using only 20 liter of rain water, etc..