In addition to publishing port traffic data via the statistics office EUROSTAT of the European Union, the European Commission (EC) funded two major projects focused on the development of Europe-wide performance measures for ports:
- The PPRISM project aimed to identify a set of sustainable, relevant and feasible port performance indicators to be implemented at EU level in order to measure and assess the impact of the European Port System on society, the environment and the economy. To this end, a typology of port performance indicators was created, validity and data availability was assessed and the indicators were proposed to key stakeholders for assessment in terms of their suitability to be implemented at EU level. The final result of PPRISM was a set of port performance indicators that provide an overview of the environmental, socio-economic and supply chain performance of the European port system. The project was the first systematic attempt at EU level to determine a set of relevant port performance indicators that is widely accepted and commonly defined by the entire port sector and other relevant key stakeholders (such as port users, societal groups, etc.).
- The PORTOPIA project ended in November 2017. The project had two main objectives: (1) To support the European Port Industry with meaningful performance data to increase individual port and port transport system performance; and (2) To support policy formulation and monitor policy implementation. The PORTOPIA project resulted in the creation of an integrated knowledge base and management system of European port performance focusing on five categories of port performance indicators: (1) market trends and structure, (2) socio-economic performance, (3) environment and occupational health and safety and security, (4) logistic chain and operational efficiency and (5) governance and finance and user perceptions of quality. Inland ports were also covered in the project. The project also aimed at enhancing a culture of performance management in the European port sector.