Athanasios (Thanos) Pallis is Professor in Port & Shipping Economics and Policy at the Department of Maritime Studies, University of Piraeus, Greece.
He is a co-director of PortEconomics, and the Vice-Chair of the Port Performance Research Network (PPRN). At the University of Piraeus, he directs the Integrated Port Economics and Management Laboratory. He has co-authored the books European Port Policy: Towards a long-term strategy (published in English, Japanese, and Greek), Common EU Maritime Transport Policy (published in English and Greek), and Maritime Transport: The Greek Paradigm (published in English).
Thanos is a member of the International Association of Ports & Harbours (IAPH) Risk and Resilience Committee, for which he co-authors the World Ports Tracker together with Theo Notteboom. He was the chief consultant of the UN program on “COVID-19 Implication on Transport/Connectivity and Trade”.
He was a Fulbright Scholar at Columbia University, New York, US (Centre for Energy, Marine Transportation & Public Policy), Professor in Port Economics & Policy at the University of the Aegean, Greece (2001-2021), and the scientific director of the Jean Monnet Action in European Port Policy (2003-2018). Thanos served as Adjunct Professor at the Centre for International Trade and Transportation, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada (2008-2017); and as Visiting Professor at School of Management, Universidad de Los Andes Colombia. He has contributed to research in North America (Transport Canada: Port Performance Indicators and Benchmarks; Atlantic Gateway Research Initiative, Port governance reform) and the Association of American Port Authorities (Port Customer Service Initiative); in South America on container port development (Chile); in Asia defining a maritime strategy (Turkey; Bangladesh); in Africa on port privatization and concessions; in Europe for OECD and Cruise Europe on cruise ports. He was Secretary-General of MedCruise (2013-17), and served as General Secretary for Ports & Port Policy, at the Ministry of Development, Competitiveness, and Shipping of the Hellenic Republic (2011-2012). From 2018 to 2022, he was the President of the International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME). He currently serves as a member of the IAME Council.
Thanos won twice the “Maritime Economics & Logistics Best Paper Award” of the International Maritime Association of Maritime Economists: in 2017, for research on private entry in cruise terminal operations; and in 2008, leading research on container port concession agreements. He won the “Best European Study 1999” Competition, organized by the European Community Studies Association (ECSA). The (co)author of more than 70 papers published in academic journals and over 150 peer-reviewed papers presented at academic conferences or other formats. In 2023, Thanos was listed in the top 2% of most cited researchers in the realm of transportation and logistics.
E-Mail: apallis@unipi.gr – LinkedIn page – Google scholar page – Personal webpage
Latest publications
- Knatz, G., Notteboom T. & Pallis A.A. (2023). “Container Terminal Automation: assessment of drivers and benefits. Maritime Policy and Management”., doi.org/10.1080/03088839.2023.2249460.
- Knatz, G., Notteboom T. & Pallis A.A. (2022). Container Terminal Automation: Revealing Distinctive Terminal Characteristics and Operating Parameters. Maritime Economics and Logistics, 24(3), 537-565. doi.org/10.1057/s41278-022-00240-y
- Brooks M.R., Knatz, G. Pallis A.A. and Wilmsmeier G. (2022). “Transparency in port governance: setting a research agenda”. Journal of Shipping and Trade, 7 (1), doi.org/10.1186/s41072-021-00103-4.
- Notteboom T., A.A. Pallis, and J-P. Rodrigue (2021). “Disruptions and Resilience in Container Shipping, Ports and Supply chains: The COVID-19 pandemic vs. the 2008-2009 Financial Crisis”. Maritime Economics and Logistics, 23, 179-210, doi.org/10.1057/s41278-020-00180-5.
- Pallis A.A. and A.A. Papachristou (2020). “European Cruise ports: Challenges since the pre-pandemic era”. Transport Reviews, doi.org/10.1080/01441647.2020.1857884.
- Papachristou A.A. Pallis A.A. and Vaggelas G.K. (2020). “Cruise home-port selection criteria”. Research in Transportation Business and Management, doi.org/10.1016/j.rtbm.2020.100584.
- Pallis A.A. and G.K. Vaggelas, (2020). “Regulating and financing Greek ports”. In: Haralambides H., Tei A. & Ferrari C. (eds). Regulation and Finance in the port sector: current practices and future port development. London: Palgrave
- Brooks, M.R., G. Knatz, A.A. Pallis, and G. Wilmsmeier (2020). “Transparency in Governance: Seaport Practices”, PortReport No 5, 1-39.
- Pallis A.A. and G.K. Vaggelas, (2020). “The changing geography of cruise shipping”. In: Wilmsmeier G., Monios J., Browne M. & Woxenius J. (eds.) Geographies of waterborne transport: Transitions from transport to mobilities, 170-191. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
- Ros Chaos , S., A.A. Pallis, S., Saurí Marchán, D. Pino Roca, and A. Sánchez-Arcilla Conejo. (2020). “Economies of Scale in Cruise Shipping”. Maritime Economics and Logistics, doi.org/10.1057/s41278-020-00158-3.
- Pallis A.A., K.P. Arapi, and A.A. Papachristou (2019). “Models of Cruise Ports Governance”. Maritime” Policy and Management, 46(5), 630-651. doi.org/10.1080/03088839.2019.1590657
- Vaggelas G.K. and A.A. Pallis (2019). “Configuration and Prospects of the Piraeus shipping cluster”. Spoudai Quarterly Economic Journal, 69, 3-17.